The Role of Psychoeducation Counseling Services in Fighting Mental Illnesses

For a long time, Mental illnesses or disturbances were not considered serious. But as the time went on, people started to realize the importance of a healthy mind and how serious stress, anxiety, depression and other mental issues are. Today there is a lot of research on Mental Health and effective ways to help people dealing with certain struggles. There are millions of professionals around the world helping people deal with all sorts of mental issues. And doing so, they require the help of various theories and scientific methodologies to make sure they’re doing right by their patients. Psychoeducation and Transactional Analysis are two such ways that professionals take help of in assessing patients and helping them. Let’s have a look at what these two things mean and how are they help fun in helping patients with mental struggles. Psychoeducation Psychoeducation is about bringing in the patients and their family/peers and involving them in the process of helping th...